
Source file extensions: .md

mdjs is a format that allows you to use JavaScript with Markdown, to create interactive demos. It does so by "annotating" JavaScript that should be executed in Markdown.

You can use a markdown code block with js script:

```js script
// execute me

You can import modules from npm by using their bare name or from the project by using a root aliast ~/ or a relative path:

```js script
import '@divriots/simba/input-email/define';
import '~/input-email/define';
import '../define';

All MDJS story syntaxes are supported too. E.g to render a component use the story key:

```js story
export const demoStory = () => `<simba-input-email></simba-input-email>`;

Although for static HTML it's preferable to use html code blocks:

```html story

To add a source code viewer next to the rendered component use the preview-story key:

```html preview-story

All frameworks are supported as in the CSF storybook files. E.g. you can use Lit to make dynamic demos with JS variables and event handlers.

```js preview-story
import { html } from 'lit';
import { Required } from '@divriots/simba/form-core';
export const demoStory = () => html`
    .validators=${[new Required()]}
    @input=${() => /* do smth */}

The preview-story allows editing the code and live-rendering it, which creates a playground experience right in your documentation for all rendered code blocks.


Quick example

```js script
import { html } from 'lit';
import '@divriots/simba/input-email/define';

# simba-input-email

## Basic

```html preview-story
  help-text="Your email address"

## Using validators

```js preview-story
export const validatorsStory = () => html`
    .validators=${[new Required()]}
    help-text="Your email address"