Vue Markdown

Source file extensions: .md

For .md files to be processed by MD Vue, it needs to be enabled in studio.config.json.

This is enabled by vite-plugin-md.

Layout setup

Layout setup is done through a mdvue.config.js file at the root of your tree. The basic content of this file is as follows:

export default {
  Layout: // your documentation layout
  enhanceApp: // a hook allowing you to access & configure the Vue app instance

A Layout component is a simple Vue component which will be provided the Vue rendered markdown component as a slot. Nav can be implemented using the '~doc-context' module.

dockit-vue features a ready-to-use layout. It comes with light/dark support, a responsive navbar, and more! You are welcome to use it, but don't have to and can come with your own.

Our Vue starter kit also contains an example of both a mdvue.config.js file and a layout component showing you how to use it.

Component documentation meta

Your components have documentation in your code, typically through code comments, and you may want to leverage it.

dockit-vue has components you may want to use for this. For example, Props will allow you to document your props automatically.

Please check it out for more information!